Spring Weekend, 13th edition


Upon Entry
Ciné Lumière at the Institut Français

Screening courtesy of New Wave Films

£15, conc. £13

Dir. Alejandro Rojas and Juan Sebastián Vasquez
with Alberto Ammann, Bruna Cusí, Laura Gómez, Ben Temple

Spain | 2022 | 87 min
In English, Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles

Diego is an urbanist from Venezuela living with his partner, Elena, a comtemporary dancer in Barcelona. With their approved visas, they want to move to the land of opportunities with the intention of boosting their professional careers and start a family. However, upon entry, they are taken at the immigration area in New York’s airport for secondary inspection and are subject to a grueling interrogation process.


A gripping psycological thriller on immigration limits and the appeal of the American dream, this is the directors’s debut feature film and is based on personal experiences.